My mission for a family photo ended here.
This is one homemade gift that came to fruition. Barely.
My artist sister-in-law did the tree background which I love. My other sister's helped with the precise cutting. And gave opinions.
Can you tell who's who?
Since you asked:
1. take a pic of the person against a white background.
2. load them into a photo editing programs. I used "gimp". This enables you to size comparatively. Also I like to brighten the photo to get the best tracing line.
3. Use tracing paper with a couple pieces of tape to hold in place and trace the pic right on your computer screen. You got to be VERY precise.
4. Lay tracing paper on good quality paper (tape on outside of tracing to keep in place). I will try photo paper next time. Use a small precision scissors to cut out.
5. Spray paint with black paint - I used gloss, but did not love the glare it gave, worse even with the glass in the frame. But I definitely recommend painting these even if you use black paper(which I did). The paint made them look so much more finished.
6. My sis-in-law suggested spray adhesive to attach them to the backing. It worked like a charm.
That's it! Does that sound easy? Maybe not.
There are many ways to do silhouettes...
that is awesome jenica!
I can tell whose who, and many of them I have never met, just seen pics on your blog.
I would love to hear how you did the silhouettes.
Very cool!
I can tell you, Andy, and your kids and that's about all, oh and your parents.
What a neat idea!
good idea! I have been wanting to try those silhouettes. I saw a cute idea in a book of putting them on pillows. Were they very hard?
Your profile looks alot like your moms!
This turned out fantastic! You guys did a great job. I love anything with silhouettes. They just look so classy and artsy.
I love silhouettes. I found a family of 4 intricate old ones at Salvation Army a few years ago. They've been in my liv. room, but I'm ready to replace them our true family.
I put the instructions on the post.
Sweet idea! Great job - it looks fabulous!
Thats a great idea! Love it.
It's amazing! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
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