
This day is for forever

Seems like everyone has breathed a big sigh of relief. Another holiday past and done. Hopefully a fulfilling one for all.

With a new year beginning, it seems appropriate to be a time of hope, preparation and contentment, reflection... Especially after ending the year with such crazed merrimental bustle.

My husband sometime hears me ask, "what's the point of life anyways?" (I know, but don't you just feel that way some days?) It's always reassuring to hear his answer, "we're preparing for eternity" and he might throw in "why would you ask such a dumb question?". Because he knows, I know.
So I'm reminding myself again that this life, this year, this day is preparing for eternity. To see the eternal weight in each day and make choices to further them. That's a pretty incredible point to life. A perfect honing to my days.
When I remember it, that is.

"Therefore also we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him."
2 Corinthians 5:9
"For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison"
2 Corinthians 4:17


On Second Street said...

Thanks for the good reminder. I feel the same way sometimes.

Brooke said...

I feel that way alot too. Thanks for the reminder! I needed it today for sure!

Lynn said...

I love 2 Cor. 5:9 - great verse! Reminds me of what Martin Luther said of appearing before the judgment seat of Christ - 'there are 2 days on my calendar, this day and 'that' day'

Kelly said...

Ah yes, we might know the answer but for some reason, in our human state, we find ourselves asking that question repeatedly! Thanks for the reminder!