

Toys for Christmas? Who needs them?
Repurposing stuff around the house is what these kids are experts at.
 It's not always neat and tidy, but it works.

Spa time. Then they created their own perfume...with extracts, oils and spices. 
I tried not to hyperventilate.

I think he's topped his dad with this domino-building-wonder.

 Snow that doesn't melt inside. Still finding it days later.

 Electronic deconstruction.

Eating is apparently what he does for fun, there's not a food he doesn't like yet. 
Blueberries equal a smurf baby for a day.

We really need to get out of the house now.


Elizabeth. said...

What creative ways to have fun. =) I agree...we often smile because it seems like kids love the box a toy comes in and the bubble wrap to stomp on more than the toy itself. =)

And that picture of Elim- adorable. :)

P.S. Your blog is such an inspiration to me--authentically beautiful.

Elizabeth. said...

P.S. As I write this, my two youngest brothers are pulling homemade "cars" made of cracker boxes, yogurt lid wheels and string...and I don't know what else. =)

katherine atherley said...

i love your blog, Jenica!! It always makes me smile and I love hearing about your family.

Rebekah said...

Such a cute post!

Lil said...

Your children are adorable!

Annie said...

Adorable! I love the fake snow... surprised it hasn't come out in our house yet. =) And that last picture of Elim is a heart-stealer. He's seriously one of the cutest babies I've EVER seen! =) What a lil' darling!