4 bags Cheddar Cheese - .99 ea. with in store coupon
2 boxes Vics Puffs - .99 ea. with Buy1Get1free manufacturer coupon
16 Jane cosmetics - Free! B1G1 sale, 16 $2 man. coupon, 2 $2 EasySaver coupon
Total before coupons: 82.43 (Yes, original prices here are high.)
Total after coupons: 7.10
Steps for beginners:
1) Print as many of these $2 off coupons for Jane cosmetics - 1 for ea. item you wish to get. (I had 16!)
2) Go to you nearest Walgreens.
3) Find Jane cosmetics which are on sale Buy One Get One Free.
4) If you want to get them close to free pick the ones that are in the $3-$5 range.
5) Check out and give cashier a coupon for each item.
Caution: if you think you may get a negative balance after coupons, throw in a cheap item from a bin around the checkout
(Opt. if you want mascara and even more of a discount find the tiny Easy Saver catalog at the entrance of the store and use the coupon inside for Jane Mascara, along with the printed manufacture coupons.)
Note: Lipgloss and eyeshadow would make nice little gifts.
These deals are compliments of Money Saving Mom!