
Little Lull

Home again. At least for a bit.

Our travels led us to fulfillment as we visited family. And friends here and there, too. The time of being together and little to get done is always refreshing.
We marveled on the way home at how little discipline the children needed and realized it was only because they were so distracted by their sweet little cousins and all the play at G'ma & G'pa's.

Now we're unwinding and doing a lot more behavior correcting. But off to the other g'ma & g'pa's tonight. So more shopping and wrapping and packing to get us there. The unpacked suitcases and upheaved house will have to wait.

Photo by Nate Madden

It will be my mission to get another family pic. I know people will love me for that. Ha.


Merry Christmas from balmy Little Rock.

An attempt will be made for an entire family photo today...


Over the rivers and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.

the horse knows the way to carrying the sleigh through the white and drifting snow

Over the river, and through the wood—
Oh, how the wind does blow!

It stings the toes and bites the nose

As over the ground we go.

Over the river, and through the wood
And straight through the barnyard gate,

We seem to go extremely slow,
It is so hard to wait!


As the children were playing in the snow, I snapped a few of photos around the yard. There is so much good in these long winters. It's easy to see them in the beginning... the end is always what gets me.
To a thankful winter!


We're here.
So much going on at our house - just like yours.

The season is bringing little joys as we
create, plan, dream and remember.

Creating Christmas decor, costumes, gifts and snowmen.

Planning a bit for a shower, a Christmas program, a neighborhood brunch.

Dreaming about a whole week at the Grandparents house. Aunt, uncle and cousins included.

Remembering a baby born in a manger to save us. A humble sacrifice for prideful sinners.

Love to you.
My computer with photos is throwing a tantrum, I will post visuals soon.


There is something about a little sister's baby that woos me believe he's my baby, too.
Sister's share everything, right?


Be Ye Thankful

The fact that we stayed in the vicinity of home the entire Thanksgiving weekend was a rarity, although quite relaxing.

Jill and I seemed to be the only turkey meal shoppers out on Thanksgiving day. We cooks got it together in the kitchen. With a little whipping, mashing and steaming the goal was accomplished. Food on the table.

~blurry cooks~

~table set~

~i must be worn out~

It was a small crowd which felt weird. A nice day however.
Mom, Dustin, Julie and Uriah were recouping in the eastern part of the state. Joel and Karime were with her family. And Jesse is in the tropics soon to be home for Christmas.

I'm thankful for:
My Savior who loved me unto death and has changed the course of my life
My husband and children
All of our family and 2 new nephews
More people: church family, friends near and far
Daily physical provisions from God's hand
A hope, for time and eternity


Our nephew's name is Uriah David
Uriah means "the Lord is Light".
David means "beloved" (and is his dad's middle name)

He's just perfect

Baby Gorman is here!
Our household is buzzing and life simply cannot be normal today.
As soon my sister Jill and I are off work (taking the girls to ballet is part of my job, ya know), we are heading to the hospital.
The grandmother's and little aunts hopped in the car at 6:45 a.m. Those g'ma's sounded GIDDY.
The grandpa's are going at noon.

The delivery went great. He is 8lb. 1 oz., 21 in.
And his name?! Sorry you will have to wait...


~November 21st~
Happy Birthday to my dear husband.

Life only gets sweeter with you.

Photos by Rebekah Stevenson


Have I sung the praise of Kumon workbooks? (Yep.)
I've also told you how messes raise my blood pressure. (I need to work on that.)

Today I am reminded how these craft books are perfect for us. Caden has been busy with them for at least an hour. For a boy who romps most of the time, that's pretty good!
They are simple, non-disaster making, and require minimal supplies.

These would be great Christmas presents for the little people in your life.


Ugly old squash

These were place on the dining room table to keep from hogging my kitchen counter space. But apparently to the eye of a little girl they weren't quite pretty enough.

So Leyla embellished.

Nothing could make them look pretty to Chloe as she remembered how much she hated choking down that nasty "smash".


Since it's snowing outside as I write, I thought I'd tell you of a few things keeping me warm and smiling: (Because I could easily be grumpy. Winter just ended didn't it? Remember, we had a winter that was like no other. And the calendar still says it's fall!)

  • My darling is home from his 4 day business trip. My word, we missed him.
  • Leyla and I are making crafting things at the table. Like stitching whatever on a hooped piece of fabric. Also, making felt pretties like these.
  • The twins are napping. Enough said.
  • The mail man delivered a package containing 2 swimsuits. I paid $20 for them both and now they're even cheaper. Here's one and the other one must be sold out. Caution: you will have to sift through lots of ugly suits. (And if you can't wear a sz. 8 and up, too bad for you).
  • This verse: "This is what the Lord, Israel's king says, 'I am the first and I am the last, there is no God but me. Don't panic! Don't be afraid! Did I not tell you beforehand and decree it? You are my witnesses! Is there any God but me? There is no other sheltering rock, I know of none." Isaiah 43:5 Nothing can warm the soul like a God who has proved himself and will prove himself in the future. In this faltering world I have a believable and sheltering rock.
  • This photo: What a blessing to have nurturing God-instilling grandparents for our children. We were thankful for our weekend with them as we waved them down that long road to Arkansas. A weekend filled with zoo animals, breakfast out, a little clean up/dump from our big house project(more later). Lots of reading on the couch, a new back step, shopping for baby blanket fabric (haven't you heard?), football, & Kari's chocolate crinkle cookies. Not to mention, the best FALL weather.


I was just trying to fill those ovals and get my vote postmarked by November 3rd. That's being a good citizen, right?

Multitasking is not always a mother's best moments. And this was one of them.

But it is now considered DONE, submitted, & counted.


Jack O' lantern designs #1 #2 #3

Have a good weekend! I know we will, because G'pa and G'ma are visiting from down south!