Cooking is a family affair.

Cowboy vs. Princess

So sweet.

We were at a cabin in the beautiful Ozarks.

Thanksgiving dinner.

Touring a cave. Watch your head there are thousands of...



Snap, snap, snap. Good enough.

Morning movie and cereal.

Playing near the lake.

Poor Micah fell in.

Carrots. I always did love Anne of Green Gables. At least it didn't turn green. After multiple fixes, it's now more auburn. And that's definitely the short story.
i love the condensed version! anything is always better than nothing.
the wedding pictures look fabulous. so beautiful.
Wow...you look SO different with red hair...do you like how it turned out?
I think you can pull off the color well.
I have had several bad hair dye episodes, especially with red. Nate hates when it even had a hint of red. :(
Pictures make me happy!
That's what I want to see!
Watching your kiddos growing via Internet is not as nice as seeing you in person, but it will do.
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