Or maybe I just don't want the fun to end. But the city trees are still lit down our alley...
After being at my parents for almost 5 days, we are now home. Andy is back to a flexible few work days. As much as we didn't want to leave, it was time. Too much sugar and too little sleep landed Cade and Leyla a bad cough/cold. So my much need workout at the Y has been postponed and we are house bound today. That's a good thing with all the laundry and unpacking to be done. But it's still Christmastime in my book! So we are being a bit lazy and unscheduled. Hopefully, sickness will pass soon because there is more celebration in the coming days. The kids enjoyed being in their pj's till noon and building with their new Lego sets. Thanks Grandma!
Sorry you have the sickies!
Love the new blog look!
Sorry the kiddos are sick!
Hope ya'll get to feeling better soon!
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