Two posts in one day?! I'm just as shocked as you are!

I LOVE shopping at Target (doesn't everyone?)! In the past, most of my grocery shopping has been at Wal-Mart (ugg); because it seemed to be cheaper. I would buy some groceries at Target if I only needed a few. Now, because of online coupons here, here, and here plus the ones that print out at the register (at the bottom of your receipt), I can grocery shop at Target and not feel guilty.
This makes me very happy!
Most of the coupons are for Target's own brands such as Market Pantry and Archer Farms. These are considered off brands, but are great quality with no cheap ingredients (I am very picky on my food brands, not good, I know.)! If you are into eating healthy these foods definitely fulfill such requirements.
Coupon using tips:
- Print out 10 or more and if something is on sale buy 10! Ex. Eggs were on sale last week 2/$1. I had 50c off a doz. coupon, so that made them free!
- Use manufacturer coupons (like those in the Sunday paper. These obviously can't be used with Target brand items)+ Target coupon + on sale = good deal
- Meats nearing expiration date have a coupon on the pkg. Use another coupon for a cheap price. Ex. I got rib eye steaks with $3 coupon on pkg. + $2 off Target coupon = $5 off.
- Print out all the coupons for the week and take them with you to Target there will be sales to match them with (some will be in their weekly ad).
This is all pretty simple. So come on beginners and Target lovers! Last week I had $26 off my bill and today $23 of what I would normally buy. I bought what we use and what we love with little effort and planning!
great tips Jenica! I would so love if we had a super target. I love it when others share the ways they are saving money, it is so inspiring.
Good for you! It's fun to see it work at a different store than we have. I wonder sometimes if I'd be able to coupon if I didn't have a Dillons, but I think it's great how you are making it work at Target, one of my favorite stores. It would be so fun to have a super Target. They are so clean and organized, right up my alley. :)
Jenica, thanks so much for the links to the target coupons- I have used for years but have not done the web thing yet and I am always going to target.
i wish we had a super target too!but, we dont, although our regular target still carries some food, mostly dry foods
They need to make all the Targets into Supers, huh?!
I guess I could talk to my hubby about that since his company builds them all...=)
I love target...tell Andy to keep on building...we dont have a super target here in LR either.
Yeah Target!!!! Did you know you can layer a manufacturer's coupon and a target coupon together!
Also shop the back clearance isle for product that you can use with manufacturer's coupons. I got pantene products (shampoo conditioner hairspray and gel)for .77 each and toothpaste the org.price 3.50 for .17 ! WaHoo!!
I loved getting pop tarts for.50 ( although I had to resist the temptation to eat them. But the kids loved them.
I got$60 worth of food and beuty supplies for $10.
feel up the car on Sunday with gas and get the paper free it has saved me tons of money in coupon:)
Walmart is another great place to shop the clearence with coupons. Last week I bought two of the huge bottles of Herbal Essence for .75 each.
Rachel and Shawna- Andy and a developer were looking at Topeka and they said they're not sure why it doesn't have a S.T. The pop. could support 2 of them, so I think they're going to look into it. =)
Voni- good tips and good job shopping! Yeah, I got Pampers easy ups the other day using man. c. and Target, plus they were on sale. They also have taken my expired coupons!
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