Time for an update. I got these pictures a couple weeks ago. We went to a state park with a big wooden playground by a lake. It was the perfect environment for happy pictures. Chloe was the most cooperative, maybe because she's the least "busy" and the most "dependent". Caden was impossible and couldn't be still a moment, he's a boy. Out of over 100 shots, there were some keepers. We have an old camera, so the quality is lacking.
I've been thinking on David lately and how he confidently poured out his heart to God. He gave him honor and praise, but he also told him his troubles and complaints. Often I subconsciously think that I can't say anything negative to God whether it's about a person or situation. For some reason I need to put on an act for Him. The Psalms are filled with David's complaints to God. Isn't it better to tell the Lord these things than anyone else? I seem to tell other's, but not the Lord. Most things we should tell only God and no one else. Afterall there is no one more accepting and trustworthy. I think the Lord wants to hear our complaints and our praise. I think He wants to hear our hearts.
"I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then you knew my path" (Ps. 142:2-3)
Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. (Ps. 62:8)
Thanks so much for your thoughts Jenica!
I have also been thinking about David.
What is interesting to me is that David did pour out everything to the Lord. And he asked things from the Lord too, and when the Lord did not answer in the way that David had asked, he (david) accepted it and worshipped Him! In evaluating my response to the Lord, often times when the answer is not what I wanted or expected I am *tempted* to think that He didn't hear my prayer, or that I did somthing not deserving of the deliverence or grace I am asking for. All that rambling to say, I am working on excepting His perfect plan for my life, and choosing to worship when He answers. Whether it be the answer I was praying for or not.
hope you guys had fun camping!
Good thoughts, Jenica. I've been thinking about those things too.
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