

After scrambling out of the house early every morning for the past 2 weeks, we are so glad to be home today. VBS, Niche Kid's program, and swim lessons...sometimes I wonder how my kid's schedules are busier than mine? But they are my schedule. Is is possible to slow life down? To have calmer days without squandering them? There are so many little choices along the way that make up life. So many good things, yet too many leave you spinning.

What are the good things that the Lord wants from me? Day after day, my life our life.

Today there are chores to be done and simultaneous attitudes to work through. Leyla is emotional, Caden is limping, Chloe lost her front tooth, Elim is wearing his cloth diapers. It's all wonderful.

Most wonderful is, after we cross of our lists, we get to go to the hospital to meet
miss Helena Suzanne, our new cousin/niece!

As my mom said this morning, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Life ebbs and flows, but He is faithful always."

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