These Rolie Polie Olie (Clayton) and Zowie (Leyla) costumes didn't sell, but they made for a cute picture.

This weekend I held a garage sale here. We are in a prime location for one, so we only used signs to advertise. (Plus the fact that I procrastinated and did not get the ad in on time).
With the contribution of 7 families, we were scrounging for tables to put everything on. It was a HUGE sale just like the sign said! Leah, Heidi, and I had the most stuff and also ran the show along with the help of our 8 children. Thank you to Heather, Laila, and Julie for helping out also!
Are garage sales worth it? Basically we spent all day Thursday setting up and pricing, then held the actual sale on Friday and Saturday. We came away with, exhaustion, fun fellowship, $860, and a garage to still clean out... I'm not sure if it was worth it, but oh well.
However, it sure feels good to rid of stuff you don't need. I was also reminded to evaluate more seriously my purchases. I know what I paid for most items was a lot more than what I sold them for...
We were quite entertained by what folks actually buy:
>A pop can chiller, all you do is place your soda on this battery operated rotating mechanism and it promised to have your drink chilled in seconds!
>A S'mores Wizard, enjoy the nostalgia of making s'mores indoors, huh?
>Crushed, half way torn apart pink FAKE tulips.
>Picture frames and cds were popular sales.
>Stuffed animals, doesn't everyone have too many of these?
Watch out! You'd be surprise how many sneaky tag switchers there are! Come on people, it's a garage sale, you're already getting a deal!
I go back and forth about garage sales, but you know, if you're doing it with good friends, it can be such a blast. Who cares if you only made a few hundred bucks. I bet your kids had a great time too.
My husband banned me from having garage sales. I recently "appealed"...we will see what happens with that! :) They are SO much fun, and so much work. It is a Love - Hate thing for sure.
Tag switchers and bargainers crack me up! One time we had someone try to talk rachel into $5 for a couch, that was only marked $10!! Why can't people just see a great deal and snatch it?
I love the picture of your kids in the costumes - now that's fun!
I LOVE going to garage sales, but I don't think I would be able to deal with the people like me:) I'm not a tag switcher (I can't believe they actual do that!), but I always want to negotiate -- sometimes, I can hardly help myself (I was a Buyer you know!)
Carl's helped me to "see a great deal and snatch it" as Shawna says:)
Rachel, my kids did have fun playing with friends, but it was pretty tramatic for Leyla letting things go. She kept saying "I hate garage sales!" and "we are never having one again!" =)
Shawna, I could see Andy banning me from doing them, too, we were wanting to do it again this weekend, but he said no. (I'm kinda relieved, actually).
Tisara, Clayton in the pic is Heidi Crim/Hagberg's boy. I'm such a sucker for a good deal so I'm trying to get really picky and only buy things I need and love. With my kids clothes I only buy ones I love (on sale) and not many. I hate having to deal with millions of clothes. Then they are given play clothes from people at church, hand me downs, etc.
Whoops, sorry! I knew that Clayton wasn't yours - I meant to say "the" kids...
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