
just thinking

Two questions I have tonight as I ponder your existence,

One - in 1 Cor 13, does anyone have any thoughts as to why Paul closes w/ Faith, Hope, Love, these three...Why not service, giving, kindness, godliness, longsuffering, you-fill-in-the-blank? Is he indicating these are the pinnacle of Christian living? Certainly love is, which of course is reflected in being the greatest commandment and the second like unto it. But why the other two?

And Two - I said something the other day that I can't figure out if it was deeply brilliant or blazingly stupid. At work I was discussing a particular land purchase / development deal we are currently working through, and said to a co-worker, "so what it boils down to is, if you don't know anything, what do you know?" Hmmm...what does that mean really?

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