
North Shore 2012 Part 1

Pictures tell a story just fine, right? 
But as far as words go... remembering back, they are:
"Thank you Lord for this time of just us. We rode hours and noticed the glory of the setting sun.  As our family of 6 milled close, it felt like suffocation or sweet fellowship, depending on your choice mood. To watch the smile of the little outdoors-toddler spreads smiles all around. With the smell of stinky diapers, there was that cool pine air. It didn't kill us to get up at 4:30 am on vacation. When there's a challenge to find a certain shaped stone, we could spend hours among millions. The pre-planning of food paid off in peace and yumminess. But, Hun, can you take me back, so I can grill that fish you catch over the fire? A wildflower handbook would've made me seem a little smarter. So, yes, thank you Lord for this undeserved gift of time."


Anonymous said...

I love it! Where did you go? The variations in the rocks are beautiful. My boys love collecting rocks. See you at camp in a couple weeks? -Anna Trent

Michelle said...

Love the pictures! i have such great memories of family vacations...i hope to do the same with mine.