
Henry loves his sleep. Anywhere, however.

Obviously we love this cat...and that's a big confession for Andy and I who have never been cat people. But since he's so sweet and the kids find so much joy in him... we've fallen.


Elizabeth. said...

Henry is so adorable and looks like such a sweet cat! One of my family members is allergic, so we can't have one, but I always seeing kittens at other homes. :)
Did you make the quilt in the last photo? It's beautiful! =)

Joyfully in Jesus,

Anonymous said...

what a sweet baby! i have a kitten just like that. leyla can meet her this weekend!

karime said...

pretty sweet jenica! from one cat lady to another;) he's really cute!

Sarah said...

Henry is so cute!!! I like the last picture when Henry is all spread out.

Sarah from Lake Country Bible Chaple.

Sara said...

SO cute!! Love the picture of him sleeping with Caden...and in the sink! Adorable!