The kids and I played hooky the other day to get in on a little harvesting. But real life is the best way to learn anyways. So we drove up to my parent's and around the corner to my grandpa's for some
combining, apple picking, rope swinging, horse petting, shed exploring, chili eating, grandparent loving.
This red shed at my grandpa's is where I spent hours playing house. My grandma helped make this shed a "home" and lovingly stocked this with antique everything - even a tv and crank phone.
The playhouse is now in a bit of shambles, but the memory of my grandma is strong when I peek inside. She took such joy in playing with us kids and spoiling us rotten. We rode our bikes to their house any day we could. I like to think I got my love for domestics from her.
Farmer Mark
Mom's on a mouse trapping rampage. The kid's didn't know whether to be grossed out or give pity to the little things.
Chicken carcass
This is Bullseye and Zane
Zane suddenly died a few days after this, we will all miss him, especially my sister Julie. R.I.P.