First off, my camera is broke. For good, I think. The feeling of loss is always lurking. My reliance on the thing is apparent everyday. Memories are passing me by! (No, Hun, I did not break it on purpose to get a new one.)Thus, blogging seems like a big task for the non writer that I am...So, I'll have to call upon my archives.

My girlies are not here this week. Just me and the boy (and the big boy). But, they are not missing us as there days are filled with G'ma and G'pa love. Not to mention all that goes with it like: pottery painting, dress up, seeing cousins from the west coast, Rachel's old dolls, crafts, stories from G'ma, games with G'pa.
Buddy and I are having a calm week with friends and hanging out together (except for my kid-free day) plus a little trip to the science center. The house is staying incredibly tidy because there is not quite as much make-believe going on here. But a limp mouse was curiously carried in the house today, hanging over a stick. And little fingers accidentally held onto the track as the garage door rolled over them.
Visiting Tulsa is our weekend plans - to get the girls back and see family and hopefully some friends, too.On another note, I wanted to share a little thought from my Psalms of Ascent study - the Word, or the "seed". After taking in an African village stricken with starvation and poverty, Beth Moore's friend told her "one of the most frustrating thing is that in villages where they receive seed, they often eat the seed rather than planting it and bring forth the harvest." Am I doing that with the Word? Just letting it pass through me and not sowing it to bring fruit? Is my soil good for the seed to fall on? Am I taking time to water and care for the planted see? (Luke 8:11-15) Will the Word produce in me an abundant harvest? God's Word is meant to produce, not just return void. Otherwise I am left starving. And I have no sweetness to offer the Lord.
"And let us not grow weary while
doing good, for in due season we
shall reap if we do not lose heart."
Galations 6:9"In His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of
water that bring forth its fruit in its season,
whose leaf also shall not wither,
and whatever he does shall prosper."
Ps. 1:2b-3
Happy spring seed planting!